One fleeting moment
My mind was clouded For a moment my hopes were shrouded. It was as if spirits I consumed, Consumed my own spirit.
Demons Of The Past
I am running,passing endless train of lights on the ceiling . and passing people with different emotions
Blackle Energy Saving Search
Blackle was created by Heap Media to remind us all of the need to take small steps in our everyday lives to save energy. Blackle searches are powered by Google Custom Search.
Wings of a broken angel !
I once knew an angel a happy go luck one . Sweet charming hopping from one happiness to another one , just like a honey bee. Then I saw her again no more an angel like she used to be ... She changed. .... Her happiness was taken away ... Her wings were taken away ..
What we are!!
What is right what is wrong ... A question , a thought , a truth.. Whole world
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
6 Common, but Misleading Food Label Claims:
A recent New York Times blog post discussed phrases frequently used to tout the health benefits of foods. As a conscious consumer, don't be duped by these non-regulated claims. These terms should make you raise your eyebrows and a take a closer look at the label.
1. "Lightly-sweetened"
Cereal packages often contain the phrase "lightly sweetened" to suggest less sugar. But the FDA doesn't regulate the term, so your "lightly-frosted" wheat-somethings, for instance, are probably loaded with sugar.
Often the fiber in some products that claim they are "a good source of fiber" doesn't come from traditional sources -- such as whole grains, bean, vegetables or fruit -- known to have health benefits. Instead, added "isolated fibers" made from chicory root or purified powders of polydextrose, that haven't been shown to be beneficial, are used.
This is the kind of clever word-smithing that gets around FDA rules about health claims and indicates that product will help ward off disease, even if it won't. Other phrases to look out for include "a daily dose of vitamin C" (often seen on frozen vegetables packaging) and "Antioxidants to help support the immune system."
Often fruit is pictured on the packaging and is in such small quantities that its health benefits are negligible. Many products that contain said fruit also are loaded with corn syrup and sugar.
This one is tricky and a doctor friend explained it to me after I asked what type of bread is the healthiest. Many food products can claim that they contain whole grains. This is true even if refined flour is first ingredient and the amount of whole grains (such as barley, brown rice, bulgur, millet, oatmeal, and whole wheat) are minimal.
This one seems to be the biggie. The FDA has issued several warning letters to companies making misleading "all natural" claims, but they also never made any formal rules about it. As a result, many products say they are "all natural," but officially speaking, the phrasing on packaging is pretty useless.
The bottom line? Keep your eyes peeled and your "all natural" radar tuned to high when you enter a food store. Want to eliminate some of the need to read food labels? Know where your food comes from. And just remember, a bright berry, berry colored cereal may not be berry good for you.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
DO you feel the BUZZ - GOOGLE BUZZ
well , it was yesterday when i opened my gmail inbox , i was introduced to a new box in my inbox , a small but powerful name : Google buzz..
for the starters its Google's attempt to break in into Facebook and twitter's battlefield , making it a three way fight considering orkut (another Google owned site : has lost its face to Facebook and cannot follow twitter- if u know what i mean).
- Key feature #1: Auto-following- Key feature #2: Rich, fast sharing experience- Key feature #3: Public and private sharing- Key feature #4: Inbox integration- Key feature #5: Just the good stuff
Friday, February 5, 2010
Love is like an hour glass.
For she is just a lonely lass.
You try to resist but to no avail.
The tears refuse to fail.
She walks away without one word.
You sit there quietly reveling in what you heard.
You tell yourself you don't need her.
Then you realize she was all you had.
You lose it all.
Then you hear her call.
You try to find her.
But, she is no where to be found.
We all disappoint someone, sometime... right? We do our best and yet sometimes we find ourselves just being thoughtless and perhaps selfish. The problem is that sometimes we hurt other people without thinking how deep the repercussions that fall on the ones we love the most might become. Sometimes we don't even realize the hurt we have caused until months later.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Courier: Microsoft's warrior which can make iPAD sweat .
let me begin with saying that i am a staunch Apple Inc supporter and not impressed by behemoths like Microsoft , so when iPAD came i had my own reasons to cheer up, but may be for the first time (at least for me) i see Microsoft has got something on their hand which has left me HIGH and wanting , and trust me only Microsoft product i have ever like is Zune music player (software). BUT BUT BUT

Using multi-touch, objects (like addresses) can be moved back and forth between the two screens, while a stylus pen lets you jot down notes and keep various journals.There’s a “home” button, much like iPhone, that lets you get back to the device’s applications, or set a journal as the device’s homepage.there’s also a camera on the back cover of the device.
P.S.- special thanks to Sanchita sogani for enlightening me to courier.